iPhone 4S with Apogee MiC for Interviews

My setup to record interviews with my iPhone 4S on a tripod, with an Apogee MiC.

I needed to use a tripod with my iPhone 4S, so I went to Best Buy. The person working in the camera department looked at me like I had two heads on my shoulders when I said I wanted to use my iPhone with a tripod. I’m not sure what planet (or decade) she’s from, but I had an interview scheduled the next day and I wanted to have my iPhone on a tripod. So, I went to the place that I thought would certainly have what I needed.

I went to the Apple store and they didn’t carry what I needed. “They used to.” I started looking at all the ‘toys’ hanging on the wall. That’s when I noticed that the Belkin LiveAction Camera Grip had a tripod mount. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but it would hold my iPhone on a tripod, and the interview was scheduled for the next day. I bought it.

The LiveAction Camera Grip was meant to be used with the LiveAction app. But, I didn’t want or need the app, and didn’t install it because I didn’t want it to interfere with the use of other camera apps while the iPhone’s on a tripod.

The LiveAction Camera Grip worked pretty well until I wanted to plug in the Apogee studio quality digital microphone.

I had to remove the 30-pin connector from the camera grip to make room for the mic to plug in. Using a utility knife I was able to separate the plastic at a seam and then cut the wires from the LiveAction Camera Grip.

I’ll likely order a 3 meter MiC cable from apogeedigital.com. But, for a quick setup, this does a decent job.

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All Images and Videos © Merle Braley